Our daily education programme provides a mix of some structure & child initiated play. We incorporate transition to school readiness, rich in all curriculum areas which is woven through our daily routine for our preschool children. Our planning reflects this by being centered around the interests & strengths of the individual child & the centre as a whole. The planning process weaves emergent, environmental sustainability, individual learning & developmental experiences that are supported alongside a dedicated team of experienced educators. Our teacher to child ratios are: Matai Room (2yrs and under)1:4, Totara Room (2yrs to 3½yrs)1:7, Kauri Room (3½ yrs to 5 yrs)1:9.
We encourage your input into the development of our programme, as your child’s primary caregiver you have the most knowledge about your child. We cater for the individual needs of each child.
The educators at Natures Nest are skilled at documenting the journey of your child’s development. This may be through written observation, photographs or artwork. All of this data is kept in a portfolio specific to your child and used as a base for developing our education programme. Please feel free at any time to view your child’s portfolio or contribute to it in any way you feel appropriate. Your child’s portfolio will also be available online with a secure password.
We offer well-balanced nutritious lunches, morning and afternoon teas. Any known allergies should be documented on your enrolment form so that we can ensure your child is not put at any risk. We have a policy in place to ensure that at birthday times parents are asked not to bring food into the centre.
You may bring lemonade iceblock as a treat for your child’s birthday. We will celebrate your child’s birthday and make it an exciting day for them but as we are required to be accountable for everything that our children eat while at the centre, it is essential that we provide the meals. Please read this policy displayed on our notice board.
Due to the high risk of infection, we are unable to take care of sick children.
Your child should be kept at home or will be sent home if they show any of the following symptoms:
- A high temperature
- An unidentified rash
- Inflamed throat or eyes
- An upset stomach or diarrhea
We expect our staff to abide by these same health policies. By following these policies we will have a healthy and safe centre. If your child becomes ill during the course of the day you will be notified and your child will be isolated, with a staff member, from other children until you arrive to take them home. Please ensure your child is well again before returning them to the centre. If your child has been vomiting or had diarrhea they may return after 48hours of being free of symptoms. (As per the Health Department guidelines). Our child health policy is available for your viewing.
We value parental involvement and encourage family contribution, building strong on-going relationships within our learning centre.
We encourage families to become part of our centre and extend to you a warm welcome to visit whenever you wish. Please stay and interact with the children and team. The children will benefit from your presence, and we would like you to become familiar with our routines. Our aim is for the centre to be an extension of home life and to cater for the varied expectations of many different families; we welcome your presence and assistance. There is coffee/tea available if you wish for time out to relax.
We will ensure that each child is treated with respect and dignity and feel loved and cared for at all times. Please read our philosophy statement on our reception notice board & on our website. We review this document regularly as a team, and we will ask for your input at the time of our review.
Please come to us with any concerns or enquiries as we hope to make you and your child feel comfortable and welcome within our centre.
Arnika Kennedy & Hayley Hargreaves,
Centre Owners.
09-425 0511
Nature's Nest
33 Glenmore Drive
(off Woodcocks Rd)
Ph: 09 425 0511